Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You're the only thing that keeps me going...and i think i may have to stop talking to you.
I'm afraid you're like a drug to me and I am to you and we'll never be able to stop...
I can't wait to move off campus so I don't have to listen to people's bed squeaking while they're having sex.
i enjoy using up the last of the toilet paper because i know that the next person will be left without ANY.
Post Secrets for April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I wish I could talk to my family about what is going on in my life, but I'm afraid if I do, they will judge me.
I think I'm going to fail out of college, I don't know how to fix it, and its the last thing I want. I'm so embarrassed.
i'm starting to think i create drama in my life, because deep down i enjoy it.
i'm terrified i will let my family down and never live up to their expectations, even though they tell me they are proud.
I cut myself, and then make up excuses before my friends get a chance to ask about.
i cry every time i think about my relationship with my parents. i miss them so much and i hate how things are, but i have no idea how to fix them. i know they care and would do anything for me, but i feel like i can't go them about things. i wish there was something i could do.
Post Secrets for April 29, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm terrified by some of the choices my friends make, but I don't know how to help them. Maybe I try to control everything too much.
I'm afraid I'm becoming that DUMB SLUT everyone thinks I am.
i spit in your drink went you weren't looking you dumb, controlling bitch.
i wish my life had less drama, but i'm afraid it'd be boring with out it.
I feel trapped inside my own mind, an old soul stuck in a young body. People think they understand me, but there are so many things that I think and feel that no one knows. I feel much more mature mentally than my friends and classmates, but I really wish I could slow down and enjoy being young. I wish I could understand why people have random hookups. I don't get how its fun if it's not someone you love. I don't know why it's okay to give your body away to someone who barely knows your name.
Post Secrets for April 28, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

i'm afraid every decision i'm making is the wrong one.

with only one chance, i'll never know.
I would give you EVERYTHING...

I think you just want to fuck.
i hide things from you because i love you and i know you would be upset if you found out.
When I told her I didn't care if she went out with him, that we were way over, I lied. I still care. And it still hurts.
Even though my cat died over 3 years ago, I sometimes still cry because I'll randomly begin missing him again.
Post Secrets for April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

After a few years in college, I have realized that it's not for me. I'm thinking of leaving. Everything they teach us here is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. No real lessons about life are taught in school, just pointless facts and equations that we as humans made up to quantify the natural forces that surround us. What are we really doing??
I still have feelings for you, and I think you do for me. It's too late because now you're with her. But is it ever too late?
I am terrified because I have no idea where my life is going. I want to pause and figure it out, but that's not an option.
I found out you slept with my best friend.

Guess what?

I've been sleeping with your brother.
Post Secrets for April 26, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008

i am secretly still dating my boyfriend though im telling everyone that im not.i figure that way people wont get mad at me and maybe i wont miss out on the one guy that may be my soulmate.
I'm stronger that I ever thought I could be. I'm so proud.
I only apologized because you made me....I'm not really sorry.
I've never been happier than when I was with you.

I'm afraid I will never be that happy again.
just because i got through it, doesn't mean i'm ok.
When I tell other people what a jerk you are, it's not because I like talking crap about you. It's cause I'm trying to make myself believe it so I can move on.
i am secretly in love with one of my best guy friends. and he will never know the truth...
Post Secrets for April 25, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I don't put up walls to keep people out, I do to see who cares enough to break them down.
I just realized that I'm exactly where I was a year ago, where I worked so hard not to go back to, and that terrifies me. Especially that I just figured it out...
My secret? I wish that deep down someone really wanted to date me. No one has any idea how lonely it is after 2 years of not being wanted by anyone.
Post Secrets for April 24, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Don't be afraid to be who you truly are? If only I had the courage to stand up to my parents and everyone and tell them my true plans for my life, who I really am, everything would fit together for me.
I am 20 years old, halfway done with college, and I don't even think college is where I need to be at this point in my life.
i save voicemails from you so when i miss you, i can still hear your voice.
I wish I could live my life the way I do when I'm drunk because then I would be honest, free, and not afraid for once.
every time i'm horny, i'm hungry.

does that make me fat?
i put meat in my vegetarian friend's food when she wasn't looking.
My car and the one next to it got a ticket. I switched the tickets, mine got paid, and I threw theirs away.
I know what you really whispered that time I asked you what you said, and you pretended it was something else.

I hope it's true, and that you have the courage to really say it to me one day.
I always hated the cherry chapstick you wore. At least now I never have to taste it again.

Post Secrets for April 23, 2008

Don't be afraid to be who you truly are...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

i am 20 years old and still watch the disney channel
i slept with my professor..and i only made a B+
i wish my life was a musical
I cannot even concentrate in class anymore because I keep wondering to myself "Is this it? Is this all life is supposed to be? Facts Figures, Equations, more and more money?" What happened to people actually being truly happy in life?
Thank you for proving to me that you aren't the perfect guy i thought you were...
i cheated on my boyfriend with the guy i lost my virginity to, 2 years ago. i want to be with him but he doesnt want a relationship and apparently im not girlfriend material.i love my boyfriend, im just not in love with him anymore.
everything i do is for you
on second thought, it's all for me!
sometimes i wonder if my existence even matters
i thought moving away was the hardest thing i'd have to it's moving back
People think I've stopped lying........I'm just better at it now.
When I meet people for the first time, I think about what it would be like to have sex with them.
I'm afraid of time passing too quickly, because I have no idea what I want to do with my life, or where it's going.
All my excuses for being late are lies.
I wish I could go back to when I was five years old, when everything was so much easier.
I'm afraid of getting caught in a revolving door.
I still haven't learn not to trust people.

Hey, this is a test secret from UNC-CH Secrets, just to get the ball rolling. Best of luck!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The NCSU post secrets project

This is my first blog so please be patient as I work out the details. Thank you for participating in my site, and thank you to Post Secret for the information, and The UNC-CH Secrets Project for helping me set this up. Their blog can be viewed at For this site to be successful, the word has to get out to as many people as possible, so please tell all your friends. Each day I will post a picture or words of inspiration to get you started, but feel free to write what you feel.